The neck lift cosmetic surgery is a safe and effective procedure for neck contouring to tighten loose skin in the neck region. This procedure helps the neck appear smoother, tauter, and more youthful. A neck lift is usually considered an elective procedure. Therefore, the patient will not receive insurance coverage for this surgery. This means Read more…
What is a Neck Lift?
In cosmetic medicine, neck lift surgery (along with facelift) is one of the more transformative procedures to enhance an individual’s appearance. A reliable surgeon can use the neck lift cosmetic surgery to eliminate excess skin, and fatty deposits from the neck region and they may restructure the underlying neck muscles as well. This can significantly Read more…
What is a Facelift?
Facelift cosmetic surgery is known medically as rhytidectomy. This procedure helps improve the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles, and other signs of aging to enhance the overall facial and jaw experience. Facelift surgery can successfully eliminate conspicuous signs of stress, environment, and sun exposure on the facial skin. In the hands of an experienced Read more…
How much does Botox cost?
Data from the American Surgery of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) indicates that Botox is the top cosmetic procedure in the country today. In 2002, the FDA initially approved Botox for the cosmetic reduction of frown lines. Subsequently, in 2013, Botox also received FDA-approval for the cosmetic reduction of crow’s feet extending from the outer corners of Read more…
How long does Botox last?
Botox is currently the number one facial anti-aging injectable treatment in the US. It helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines from specific facial areas. It is an ideal solution for people who want to minimize aging signs on the face but do not want to consider a cosmetic surgery. However, the primary difference between plastic Read more…
What are Botox Injections?
The appearance of facial signs of aging is one of the most common cosmetic concerns women as well as men. Cosmetic surgery solutions to reduce the appearance of these lines and wrinkles are available However, not every person is inclined to choose a surgical procedure. For such individuals, Botox offers a compelling and proven non-surgical Read more…
Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Options
For people who want to avoid cosmetic surgery to achieve facial rejuvenation, the surgeon may offer various non-surgical treatment options to reduce the facial signs of aging. A number of FDA approved injectable treatments are available today that can mitigate the effect of facial lines and wrinkles to restore a younger looking face. Focused board Read more…
How to Prepare For Breast Reduction Surgery
Some advance preparation is always in order before a major cosmetic surgery procedure such as breast reduction. It is vital for the patient to follow the surgeon’s preparatory guidelines and stay fit for the surgery. A thorough preparation will create the foundation for a successful surgery. During the initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss various Read more…
How long does it take to recover from breast reduction surgery?
As with the recovery process following any major cosmetic surgery, breast reduction recovery will require time. To prepare the patient for the recovery period, the surgeon will discuss during the consultation about what to expect in the weeks and months following breast reduction. The patient should make a judicious decision after committing to the time Read more…
How to Choose The Best Breast Reduction Plastic Surgeon in Chicago
Breast reduction is a major cosmetic surgery procedure that should only be performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon to ensure safe and predictable results. Patients should make a judicious decision about their choice of surgeon after considering various factors. Judicious and board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom provides breast reduction to patients Read more…