Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) Procedure Steps

On the surface, rhinoplasty may appear to be rather minor cosmetic surgery, but it involves delicate nuances which can dramatically impact the overall facial balance and appearance. At the time of pre-op consultation, the surgeon will educate the patient about rhinoplasty and discuss the steps involved in the procedure. Some surgeons may also present images or a video of the procedure.

Rhinoplasty can be performed using one of several surgical techniques, but the overall steps in the procedure will largely remain unchanged. Patients usually feel more confident about the procedure once they have a clear idea of what it will entail. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Bloom provides rhinoplasty to patients in Chicago, IL, and other cities and suburbs in this part of the country.


Pre-op Consultation

The first key step in rhinoplasty is the initial consultation, which will create the foundation for a successful surgery. The patient will have an opportunity to ask questions about the procedure as well as the surgeon’s practice and clear all their doubts and concerns. The surgeon will examine the patient’s facial and nasal anatomy, skin thickness in the nose area, and the amount of bone and cartilage available.

The surgeon will review the patient’s previous health records and may order a few diagnostic tests. Rhinoplasty plastic surgery ‘before and after’ photographs may also be shown to the patient to help them develop reasonable expectations.


Customized Surgical Plan

Based on the feedback received from the patient during the pre-op consultation as well as the surgeon’s own assessment of the patient’s anatomical characteristics and their general health condition, a customized rhinoplasty surgery plan will be prepared. The surgeon’s goal will be to create targeted outcomes using a least invasive approach to perform rhinoplasty.

The surgeon will encourage the patient to share their personal cosmetic goals and aspirations with regard to their nose and face. The surgical plan will determine whether an open or a closed rhinoplasty will be performed, what type of anesthesia will be used, where the incisions will be placed, and what type of surgical facility may be appropriate for performing the procedure.


Surgical Procedure


Rhinoplasty may be performed using general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. In case of general anesthesia, an anesthesiologist or a certified nurse anesthetist may be present in the operating room throughout to monitor the patient’s response. The patient will be unconscious throughout the surgery and will not feel any pain or discomfort.



As pre-determined during the surgery planning, an open or closed rhinoplasty will be performed in accordance with the degree of correction needed. Through the incisions, the surgeon will add, remove or modify nasal tissue, cartilage and bone.

Silicone implants or cartilage grafts may be used in some cases. In case of open rhinoplasty, the incision will be created discreetly in the columella, where as closed rhinoplasty will only have tiny incisions inside the nose.


Incision Closure

Once the procedure is over, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures. Nasal packing may be placed for a few days to give support to the new shape of the nose. Incredible and astute cosmetic surgeon Dr. Bloom receives patients from Chicago, IL, and other areas in this region of The Land of Lincoln for rhinoplasty.